Home Yêu Chó Mèo Dog asks his owner to let a pregnant cat give birth to her little babies

Dog asks his owner to let a pregnant cat give birth to her little babies

by Ban Biên Tập

Meet this adorable pit bull named Hades. He is from Mexico and lives with his owner Juan.

Juan adopted Hades and now they are inseparable. Juan has said that pit bull was so sad and desperate when they met.

“He was desperate and making a lot of noise,” the owner told The Dodo. So they quickly became friends.

One day something unexpected happened. Hades asked his owner to allow a pregnant cat inside the house so it can give birth to her babies.

“He dragged a blanket over to the entrance of his house and settled outside the door,” Juan told The Dodo. “She felt protected by him.”

Cat gave birth to her two lovely babies.

“I think he felt that he was a father,” the owner told The Dodo.

What an adorable moment!

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