Home Yêu Chó Mèo Adorable moment of tiniest police pup doing rounds around an airport

Adorable moment of tiniest police pup doing rounds around an airport

by Ban Biên Tập

If you’re anything like me, a trip to the airport is one of the most stressful things we can put ourselves through. The continuous questions of where did I leave my passport, did I pack enough socks, have I accidentally misplaced a bomb and now the security guard is going to find it? And then you remember—it is all based in angst and the continuous questioning of ‘what if’ rather than you being the next Unabomber.

But there is one thing that helps calm the nerves down a little bit and that is a puppy. Rather than one of the more commonly seen drug detection dogs that might instill fear and make you question whether you’d ever had the chance to accidentally sit on some heroin, this is a story about the tiniest little drug-detecting pupper doing his best at an airport.

We’ll also take a look at the effectiveness of drug detection pups and the controversies surrounding it all, but if you don’t care too much about all that, we’ll add in lots of cute puppy pictures that are certain to make your day better. We all can agree—there is nothing cuter than a doggo in uniform.

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